The main screen is a very poor demonstration of the capacities of BLITZ3D, seen that it has been developed mainly to create 3D games.
The game starts fast and ends fast too, there are only three levels, just to play it a little.
Now you should play the final (third) level till the end without problems.
There was an exceeding triplets addition for the final level; now the problem should be gone away.
Reworked the level message displacement.
The level message now it changes; the name insertion procedure is synced with the screen and has the faded grey stars over.
There was an erroneous tiles count after a first play, now the problem should be gone.
The tiles did not appear in the game area, sorry; now the problem should be gone.
At end now the singing for the second and the third levels should appear correctly.
I hope that now the erroneous magic appearing of tiles from the right edge at the last level is gone; corrected a bitmap that was not displaced by WINDOWS (in the game it seems ok); the 3D version is longer to come but enjoy for the new 3 dimensional tiles!
Do not hesitate to send to me your suggestions and opininions about this mini version of my PC game PIASTRELLE.